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Author Topic: Some Wazaif & Nafil Namaz According to Sunnah ( For 15th Night of Shabaan )

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Bismillah Hir rahman nir raheem
Jaz allahu anna syedina muhammadan ( sal-lal-lahu alaihi wa sallam ) Maa huwa Ahluh

Kindly refer the below Videos for Some Wazaif and Nafil Namaz According to Sunnah for 15th Night of Shabaan ( Shab-e-Baraat )
( By Hazrat Mufti Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri Damatu Barakatuh - Naib Shaykh ul Fiqh Jamia Nizamia Hyderabad, India )

( Please Refer Below  Video No.2 for 14 Rakah nafil prayers and Wazaifs - Important for 15th Night of Shabaan )
( 15th Night of Shabaan Means 14th Islamic Calender Day of Shabaan and after Magrib it is 15th Night )

It is narrated in Ahadiths sharifs by  Hazrat Imam Baihaqi in Sohaib ul Imam Sharif , Jami ul Hadith Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti
It is reported by Hazrat  Syedina Ali Karam Allahu Wajhu  that on 15th Night of Shabaan Beloved Prophet  Syedina Hazrat Muhammadur Rasool Allah Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi Wa Sallam read
14 Rakahs Nafil Salahs ( 2 rakah prayer each x 7 times = 14 rakahs ) and
then read 14 times Surah e Fatiha ,
14 times Surah Ikhas ( qul hu allahu ahad ),
14 times Surah Falaq ,
14 times Surah Naas and
lastly read 1 time Ayat ul Khursi and one time 128th Ayah of Surah Taubah.

Hazrat Syedina Ali Karam Allahu noticed about the same and came to know that Beloved Prophet instructed him to read and follow this 14 rakah nafil prayers and surah recitations on 15th night of Shabaan.  Beloved prophet Sal-lal-lahu alaihi wa sallam informed that who ever in the ummah follows 14 rakah Namaz and follows the recitation of mentioned surahs then the ummati will benefited by sawab of 20 Hajj and 20 years of fasting. Even in the Ahadith e mubaraks it is mentioned to fast after this night ( Hadith in Sunan Ibn e Majah, Sohaib ul Imam of Imam Baihaqi and Jami ul Hadith Imam Suyuti Qaddas Allahu sirra ul azeez )

Video No.1

Video No.2

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« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 02:36:26 PM by khaleel »

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Some Wazaif & Nafil Namaz According to Sunnah ( For 15th Night of Shabaan )- Invite Others to Listen All These Speeches - Spread the Message of Truth - True Islam

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