Abdul Razack Shah

Urs Sharif Information / Urs Sharif Posters / Urs Sharif Videos etc. => Urs Sharif Information / Urs Sharif Posters or Videos => Topic started by: khaleel on August 15, 2020, 10:19:08 PM

Title: 108th Sandal-o-Urs Sharif of Khwaja-e-Bangalore( RA ), Karnataka, India
Post by: khaleel on August 15, 2020, 10:19:08 PM
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem

Allahumma Salle 'Ala Syedina Muhammadin Wa 'Ala Aalihi Syedina Muhammadin Wa Barik Wa Sallim

'Ala Inna Awliya Allahu La Qaufun Alaiheem Walahum Yazanoon

2020 Taqreebaat-e-Urs-e-Sharif of  greatest and the most famous sufi saint of Chishty Order in Bangalore, Karnataka were held as per below given details

Chiraag-e-Chishth Ahl-e-Bhishth Khwaja-e-Bangalore

Hazrat Khwaja Mehboob Ali Shah Chishty Almaroof Khwaja Lalu Bhai Qasir ( Rahmatullah Allaih ),

Bengaluru, Karnataka state, India

Jashn-e-Chiragaan   were held on Wednesday 12th August’2020

Jashne Chiragaan  were held privately and public was not invited

Nishaan-e-Panjatan-e-pak was hoisted on Thursday early morning after fajar on 13th August’2020

Nishaan-e-Panjatan-e-pak was also held privately at the dargah shareef due to Covid-19 situation and public was not invited

108th Sandal Mubarak was held on Friday 14th August’2020 early morning before azaan-e-fajar

Sandal Mubarak Ceremony was done privately by few people and public was not invited

Urs-e-Shareef day is being observed privately on Saturday 15th August’2020  and no public invitation and no Mehfil-e-Sama qani this year due to present Covid-19 Situation.

All Ashiqeens of Hazrat Khwaja-e-Bangalore Hazrat Khwaja Lalu Bhai Qasir ( Rahmatullah Allaih ) are requested to perform fateha at their houses and duas have been done at dargah sharif on all these occasions for betterment of covid-19 current situation , peace and prosperity of our state, country and the world.


View Urs Sharif  2020 Gallery from  below attachment link